Le Hautbois de Delphes (The Oboe of Delphi)
Artist’s Edition

Patrick Quillier
Alexandre Capan

The poet and the artist come together around a theme: music and everything about it that’s ineffable. A never-before-published text by Patrick Quillier and original works by the Nice-based artist Alexandre Capan consider music from the perspective of Vladimir Jankélévitch’s je ne sais quoi et presque rien.

The figure of Vladimir Jankélévitch permeates the entire text, serving as the point of contact between the two authors’ imaginations.

Le Hautbois de Delphes appears like a musical work that backons all the senses to address the question of time and its undertones.

  • Publication date: October 2024


Artist’s Edition

Louise Bescond

The original idea for this project arose from meeting the master bookbinder Louise Bescond and seeing her inimitable technique and know-how as well as her creative talent and artistic hallmark. Normally, an artisan’s unique know-how becomes apparent at the end of the production process. Here, it’s at the beginning. 

From this encounter were born twin desires: to create an artist’s edition for which the artist herself would be the bookbinder, thus exploring the connection between artisan and artist; and to make this book an art object that would showcase the know-how of every specialized craft required to create and produce a collectible artist’s edition.

The project’s common thread is gesture, or rather the artisan’s gesture(s) behind the physical book, and what makes books one of the ultimate spaces of freedom today.

  • Publication date: December 2024